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The Importance of Upholding International Humanitarian Law in Armed Conflicts

The Importance of Upholding International Humanitarian Law in Armed Conflicts

UN Chief’s Call for Compliance with International Humanitarian Law

UN chief Antonio Guterres. (Reuters)

In a recent ministerial meeting at the UN Security Council, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres emphasized the critical need for all parties involved in armed conflicts to adhere to international humanitarian law. The ongoing bombardment of the Gaza Strip by Israeli forces prompted Guterres to stress that no entity should consider itself exempt from the rules of international humanitarian law.

Violations of International Humanitarian Law in Gaza

Expressing deep concern, Guterres highlighted the clear violations of international humanitarian law witnessed in the Gaza Strip. He reiterated the imperative nature of upholding the principles of humanitarian law, emphasizing the responsibility of the international community in demanding strict compliance from all parties involved.

Pushing for Immediate Humanitarian Ceasefire

Advocating for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire, Guterres underscored the need to alleviate the significant suffering in the region. He emphasized that this ceasefire would not only ease the ongoing humanitarian crisis but also facilitate the safe and effective delivery of aid to the affected population in Gaza.

Understanding the Context: The Plight of the Palestinian People

While condemning the recent terror acts by Hamas in Israel, Guterres also highlighted the broader context of the Palestinian people’s longstanding grievances. He emphasized the impact of decades of occupation, land dispossession, economic restrictions, displacement, and political hopelessness endured by the Palestinian population.

Condemning All Forms of Terrorism

Echoing Guterres’ sentiments, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken denounced all acts of terrorism, emphasizing the necessity for the Security Council to condemn any member state that supports terrorist groups. Blinken drew a parallel between the attacks by Hamas in Israel and the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks orchestrated by the Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba, emphasizing the universal condemnation of all forms of terrorism, regardless of the perpetrator.

International Responsibility in Combating Terrorism

Stressing the collective responsibility in combating terrorism, Blinken emphasized that each nation must safeguard its people from any form of terror. He called upon the Security Council and the international community at large to hold accountable any state that provides support, funding, or training to terrorist organizations, emphasizing the collective commitment to defeat terrorism globally.

Urgency for Unified Action

Both Guterres and Blinken’s remarks underscored the urgency of unified action in upholding international humanitarian law and combating terrorism. The ministerial meeting highlighted the need for immediate attention to the ongoing crisis and emphasized the role of global collaboration in achieving lasting peace and security in conflict-affected regions.

Source: The Indian Express

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