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G20 Summit 2023 Live Updates: Key Highlights and India’s Global Initiatives

The G20 Summit 2023 in Delhi has concluded with significant developments and discussions among world leaders. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, as the host, played a pivotal role in facilitating these discussions and shaping the summit’s outcomes.

Handover of G20 Presidency

At the close of the summit, PM Modi handed over the G20 presidency gavel to President Luiz Inácio da Silva of Brazil, marking the transition of leadership in this global forum.

Bilateral Meetings and Global Engagement

Prime Minister Modi engaged in bilateral meetings with several world leaders, including Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, French President Emmanuel Macron, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and European Union chief Ursula von der Leyen. These meetings fostered international cooperation and diplomatic ties.

New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration

The summit successfully adopted the New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration, signaling a consensus on critical global issues. This declaration reflects the commitment of G20 nations to address global challenges collectively.

Tribute to Mahatma Gandhi

World leaders paid their respects to Mahatma Gandhi at Rajghat, emphasizing the enduring relevance of his principles of non-violence and peace.

The India-Middle East-Europe Mega Economic Corridor

Prime Minister Modi announced a groundbreaking initiative – the India-Middle East-Europe mega economic corridor. This corridor involves India, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, the European Union, France, Italy, Germany, and the US. It is poised to have a transformative impact on regional and global trade, connecting diverse economies and fostering economic growth.

UK PM Rishi Sunak’s Visit

During the summit, UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and his wife Akshata Murthy visited the Akshardham temple in New Delhi, paying their respects. This visit underscores the cultural and diplomatic ties between the UK and India.

The G20 Summit 2023 reaffirmed India’s role as a global leader and a key player in addressing pressing global challenges. The initiatives and discussions during the summit reflect the commitment of nations to work together for a more prosperous and harmonious world.

As India continues to strengthen its position on the world stage, it remains dedicated to fostering cooperation and finding innovative solutions to the complex issues facing humanity.

Source: Live Updates – Indian Express

As the G20 Summit draws to a close, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision of India’s role on the world stage as a ‘Vishwa Guru’ (world leader or guide) comes into sharper focus. Throughout his tenure, Prime Minister Modi has consistently emphasized India’s increasing prominence and its potential to guide and inspire the world.

Key elements of India’s vision as a ‘Vishwa Guru’ include:

  1. International Stature: Prime Minister Modi has actively worked to enhance India’s international stature by engaging in diplomatic dialogues, forging strategic partnerships, and participating in global initiatives. This has positioned India as a key player in addressing global challenges.
  2. Economic Growth: India’s rapid economic growth has contributed to its influence on the global stage. The country’s large and dynamic economy has made it an attractive destination for trade and investment, further elevating its international standing.
  3. Cultural and Philosophical Traditions: India’s rich cultural and philosophical traditions, including concepts like ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ (the world is one family), have been promoted to highlight its potential to guide the world towards unity, inclusivity, and peace.
  4. Global Challenges: India’s proactive involvement in addressing global challenges, such as climate change, sustainable development, and healthcare, showcases its commitment to contributing positively to the world’s well-being.

As the G20 Summit serves as a platform for global leaders to discuss pressing issues and collaborate on solutions, India’s vision of being a ‘Vishwa Guru’ aligns with its active participation in these discussions. This vision emphasizes India’s role in guiding the world towards prosperity, cooperation, and shared values.

Prime Minister Modi’s vision underscores the belief that India’s growth and contributions extend beyond its borders, and it has the potential to lead and inspire the international community.

Source: Discussion of Prime Minister Modi’s Vision for India’s Global Role

In a televised address following the conclusion of the G20 summit, U.S. President Joe Biden highlighted several significant developments, including a groundbreaking new partnership involving India, Europe, and the Middle East. This partnership aims to establish vital connections through transportation, energy supplies, and digital infrastructure, creating a transformative economic corridor.

Key points from President Biden’s address include:

  1. Multilateral Development Bank Reform: The G20 summit saw progress on issues such as reforming multilateral development banks, with the aim of supporting nations that fall between the categories of poverty and wealth. This demonstrates the commitment to addressing global economic challenges.
  2. Groundbreaking Partnership: President Biden announced a groundbreaking partnership that will connect India to Europe via the Middle East, facilitating transportation by rail and shipment. Additionally, this partnership encompasses energy supplies and digital connections, presenting substantial opportunities for economic investment along this corridor.
  3. Focus on Ukraine: President Biden acknowledged the discussions surrounding Russia’s brutal and illegal war in Ukraine, underscoring the importance of addressing this critical international issue.

The India-Europe-Middle Eastern corridor is a significant initiative that promises to promote economic growth, connectivity, and collaboration among the participating regions. President Biden’s reference to this partnership underscores the transformative potential of this corridor and the commitment to fostering economic development and cooperation on a global scale.

Source: U.S. President Joe Biden’s Address Following the G20 Summit

In a statement reflecting the depth of the India-US partnership, President Joe Biden emphasized that this relationship is rooted in Mahatma Gandhi’s principle of trusteeship. President Biden’s words underscore the shared values and commitment to collaboration between the two countries.

The concept of trusteeship, as advocated by Mahatma Gandhi, centers on responsible stewardship and the idea that resources and responsibilities are held in trust for the greater good of society and the planet as a whole. In this context, President Biden highlighted the idea that the partnership between India and the United States is built on this foundational principle.

This statement signifies the enduring nature of the India-US relationship, which extends beyond political and economic ties to encompass shared values, goals, and a commitment to addressing global challenges. The reference to trusteeship suggests a mutual understanding of the responsibilities both nations bear toward each other and the world at large.

As India and the United States collaborate on a wide range of issues, from climate change to economic development and security, President Biden’s acknowledgment of the philosophical underpinning of this partnership reinforces the significance of their alliance in addressing pressing global challenges.

Source: Statement by US President Joe Biden on the India-US Partnership

Following their meeting at the G20 summit, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Netherlands Prime Minister Mark Rutte engaged in discussions to enhance the friendship and cooperation between their respective nations. The meeting touched upon several key areas of cooperation and collaboration.

Key highlights from Prime Minister Modi’s post-meeting statement include:

  1. Friendship Enhancement: The leaders discussed ways to strengthen the friendship between India and the Netherlands, emphasizing the importance of bilateral relations.
  2. Scope for Cooperation: Both leaders acknowledged the significant potential for cooperation between businesses in their countries. This suggests a shared commitment to fostering economic ties and encouraging trade and investment.
  3. Diverse Areas of Collaboration: The scope of collaboration extends across various sectors, including clean energy, semiconductors, digital technology, and more. This reflects the broad spectrum of opportunities for partnership between India and the Netherlands in areas of mutual interest.

Such meetings on the sidelines of international summits provide valuable opportunities for leaders to reaffirm their commitment to bilateral cooperation, explore new avenues of partnership, and discuss shared goals and priorities. As both India and the Netherlands look to the future, their strong ties are poised to grow even stronger, benefiting both nations.

Source: Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Post-Meeting Statement

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, following her meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, expressed the paramount significance of a strong partnership between the European Union (EU) and India. Her statement highlights several key areas of collaboration and shared goals.

Key points from her statement include:

  1. Trade and Tech Council: President von der Leyen noted the positive progress of the Trade and Tech Council, signaling the commitment of both India and the EU to fostering technological advancements and trade relations.
  2. Historic Project – India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor: The launch of the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor is described as a historic project. This initiative aims to facilitate economic connectivity and cooperation between India, the Middle East, and Europe, promising significant benefits for all parties involved.
  3. Free Trade Agreement (FTA): President von der Leyen expressed anticipation regarding progress on a Free Trade Agreement. Such an agreement has the potential to unlock substantial economic potential in the partnership between India and the EU, promoting trade and economic growth.
  4. Acknowledgment of Prime Minister Modi’s Leadership: The European Commission President acknowledged Prime Minister Modi’s skillful leadership of the G20, recognizing his role in facilitating discussions and cooperation among global leaders.

In essence, Ursula von der Leyen’s statement reaffirms the EU’s commitment to nurturing a robust partnership with India across various domains, including trade, technology, and economic connectivity. The collaborative efforts between the EU and India are seen as essential for addressing global challenges and fostering mutual prosperity.

Source: Ursula von der Leyen’s Statement after Meeting with Prime Minister Modi

During the G20 summit, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had a bilateral meeting with the President of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. These discussions on the sidelines of the summit were an opportunity for both leaders to strengthen the diplomatic ties between India and Brazil.

The details of their conversation were not provided in the statement, but bilateral meetings like these typically cover a range of topics, including trade, technology, climate change, and regional stability. India and Brazil share common interests and have a history of cooperation on various international issues.

Such bilateral engagements are instrumental in building and maintaining strong diplomatic relations, fostering collaboration, and addressing global challenges collectively. As the G20 summit progresses, these meetings underscore India’s commitment to engaging with its global partners.

Stay tuned for more updates on the outcomes of this bilateral talk.

Source: Official Statement on PM Modi’s Bilateral Meeting with President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva

During the G20 summit, Prime Minister Narendra Modi engaged in bilateral meetings with two prominent leaders, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and President of South Korea, Yoon Suk Yeol. These meetings provided an opportunity to discuss and strengthen India’s bilateral relations with these two nations.

  1. Meeting with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz: Prime Minister Modi’s discussion with Chancellor Scholz aimed to further enhance the strategic partnership between India and Germany. These talks likely covered a range of topics, including economic cooperation, climate change, and global affairs, as both countries share common interests and goals.
  2. Meeting with President Yoon Suk Yeol of South Korea: The bilateral meeting with President Yoon Suk Yeol of South Korea underlines the importance of India’s relationship with South Korea. These discussions would have likely touched upon areas such as trade, technology, and regional stability, reflecting the mutual interests of both nations.

Such bilateral engagements on the sidelines of international summits play a crucial role in strengthening diplomatic ties, fostering cooperation, and addressing global challenges collaboratively. As the G20 summit continues, these meetings highlight India’s commitment to building and nurturing valuable partnerships on the global stage.

Stay tuned for more updates on the outcomes of these bilateral talks.

Source: Official Statement on PM Modi’s Bilateral Meetings

The announcement of the African Union’s permanent membership in the G20 brought forth a deeply emotional response from President Azali Assoumani, who serves as both the President of the Union of Comoros and the Chairperson of the African Union (AU).

President Assoumani shared his heartfelt reaction, saying, “I was about to cry. It was a great emotion for me. Because actually, we thought that there was going to be a debate, and then a decision would be taken, but at the very beginning of the Summit, it was announced that we were a member.”

His emotional response underscores the historic significance of the African Union’s inclusion as a permanent member of the G20. This development represents a recognition of the importance of Africa’s role on the global stage and highlights the continent’s growing influence in international affairs.

The African Union’s newfound permanent membership in the G20 is not only a momentous occasion for the organization but also a significant step forward in promoting inclusivity and collaboration on the world stage.

Source: Statements by President Azali Assoumani

IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva, during her address at the G20 Leaders’ Summit, highlighted the slow and uneven nature of the global economic recovery. She underscored the importance of adopting sound policies to ensure financial stability and emphasized the need for growth-oriented structural reforms.

Key points from her address include:

  1. Global Recovery Challenges: Georgieva pointed out that the global recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic has been sluggish and uneven. This situation calls for concerted efforts to support economic and financial stability.
  2. Sound Policies: She stressed the necessity for all countries to pursue sound policies that foster economic stability and growth-oriented structural reforms. These reforms can have a significant positive impact on emerging and developing countries, potentially boosting their output by up to 8 percent over a four-year period.
  3. Climate Finance: Georgieva urged G20 members to lead by example in fulfilling promises of providing USD 100 billion per year for climate finance. This commitment should be supported by strengthening Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs).
  4. IMF’s Role: The IMF, through its Resilience and Sustainability Trust (RST), has secured over USD 40 billion to support vulnerable countries in building climate resilience.
  5. Mobilizing Domestic Resources: She emphasized the importance of countries mobilizing domestic resources to finance and manage the transition to green economies. This can be achieved through tax reforms, efficient public spending, strong fiscal institutions, and developing local debt markets.
  6. International Cooperation: Georgieva called for increased international cooperation, especially in addressing debt problems. She mentioned the G20 Common Framework and the new Global Sovereign Debt Roundtable as mechanisms to address such issues.
  7. Strengthening IMF Quota Resources: To enhance the global economy’s strength and resilience, she urged reaching an agreement to increase the IMF’s quota resources before the year’s end. This would enable the Fund to provide interest-free support to the poorest countries through the Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust.

In summary, Kristalina Georgieva’s remarks emphasize the need for countries to pursue growth-oriented structural reforms, prioritize climate finance, and strengthen international cooperation to foster a more robust and resilient global economy.

Source: Address by IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva at the G20 Leaders’ Summit

In response to a question regarding India’s potential inclusion as a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan expressed a viewpoint that emphasizes the need for a more inclusive approach to UNSC membership.

President Erdogan stated, “A country like India being there on the UN Security Council, we would be proud. But as you now, the world is bigger than larger than five.” He underscored the idea that the UNSC should not be limited to the current five permanent members, which include the United States, United Kingdom, France, China, and Russia.

Erdogan’s perspective emphasizes the principle that the world is more extensive and diverse than the current five permanent members represent. He proposed a more inclusive approach, suggesting that all member countries should have the opportunity to become permanent members of the UNSC, with a rotational system in place to ensure fair and equal representation.

This perspective reflects a broader call for reform within the United Nations, particularly within the UNSC, to better align with the contemporary global landscape and the interests of the entire international community, which consists of 195 member countries.

In summary, President Erdogan’s comments highlight the need for a more inclusive and representative UNSC, where all member nations have the opportunity to participate in permanent membership through a rotational system.

Source: Statements by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in a press conference following the conclusion of the G20 leaders’ summit, emphasized India’s pivotal role as Turkey’s leading trade partner in South Asia. He expressed his confidence in harnessing the substantial potential for cooperation between the two nations.

During his address, President Erdogan revealed that he had engaged in discussions with Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the sidelines of the G20 summit, underlining the importance of such diplomatic dialogues in strengthening bilateral relations.

Erdogan’s remarks underscore the significance of India as a key trade partner for Turkey within the South Asian region. He expressed optimism about leveraging this partnership across various sectors, with a primary focus on economic collaboration, following the recent elections in Turkey earlier this year.

Furthermore, President Erdogan lauded the inclusion of the African Union as a member of the G20, highlighting the positive impact this development would have on revitalizing the group’s dynamics.

In conclusion, President Erdogan’s comments underscore the strategic importance of India in Turkey’s trade and diplomatic relations within the South Asian context. His remarks reflect the potential for enhanced cooperation and partnership between the two countries in the years to come.

Source: Press Conference by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Following the meeting between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Emmanuel Macron, India and France have issued a joint statement outlining their collaborative efforts and key areas of discussion. The statement underscores the comprehensive nature of their partnership and encompasses several significant topics, including Chandrayaan-3, the defense industrial roadmap, and India’s pursuit of membership in the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG).

Comprehensive Cooperation

In their joint statement, India and France acknowledged their wide-ranging cooperation, with both leaders engaging in discussions that encompassed an array of areas. Their dialogue covered Chandrayaan-3, a pivotal mission in India’s space exploration program, the development of a defense industrial roadmap, and India’s aspirations for NSG membership.

Bilateral Progress Assessment

The statement also highlighted that Prime Minister Modi and President Macron conducted a comprehensive assessment of the progress made in their bilateral relations since their previous meeting in July 2023, which took place in Paris. This evaluation serves as a testament to their commitment to furthering their strong and multifaceted relationship.

Discussion on Global Dynamics

The leaders engaged in a fruitful exchange of views on crucial international and regional developments. While the statement does not specify the topics discussed, it underscores the importance of their strategic partnership in addressing global challenges and navigating the dynamics of various regions.

In conclusion, the joint statement issued by India and France reflects their ongoing commitment to collaboration across a broad spectrum of areas. From space exploration to defense cooperation and international engagements, their partnership remains a cornerstone for addressing shared objectives and challenges on the global stage.

Source: Joint Statement by India and France Following the Modi-Macron Meeting

As the curtains closed on the G20 Summit, Prime Minister Narendra Modi delivered a compelling message, advocating for the expansion of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) and reforms across global institutions. He emphasized the necessity for these institutions to adapt to the world’s evolving realities, citing the fundamental principle that those who fail to evolve with time become irrelevant.

During the concluding session of the summit, PM Modi proposed a virtual meeting of the G20 bloc at the end of November to review the suggestions and decisions made during the leaders’ summit. In a symbolic gesture, he passed the gavel to Brazil, extending his best wishes as Brazil assumes the presidency of the elite grouping on December 1.

This call for reform and expansion found resonance in the remarks of Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who echoed PM Modi’s sentiments. President Lula emphasized the need for new developing countries to be included as permanent and non-permanent members of the UN Security Council to restore its political influence. He also expressed a desire for increased representation of emerging countries in institutions like the World Bank and the IMF.

Addressing the ‘One Future’ session during the G20 Summit, PM Modi stressed the importance of global institution reforms, including the United Nations. He highlighted the incongruity between the UN’s establishment in a vastly different world and its present composition. While the UN was founded with 51 member countries, today it encompasses around 200 nations. Despite this transformation, the number of permanent members in the UNSC has remained unchanged. PM Modi argued that this disparity should be rectified to ensure that global institutions align with contemporary realities.

PM Modi acknowledged the emergence and effectiveness of various regional groupings in recent years and called for a thorough review of this evolving landscape. He cited the historic decision to include the African Union as a member of the G20 as an example of necessary changes. Furthermore, he emphasized the urgency of expanding the mandates of multilateral development banks and implementing immediate and effective decisions in this direction.

In conclusion, PM Modi’s strong pitch for UNSC expansion and global institution reforms at the G20 Summit underscores the need for these institutions to evolve and adapt to the current global landscape. His call resonates with the broader theme of ensuring that international organizations reflect the contemporary realities of an ever-changing world.

Source: Various News Reports from the G20 Summit

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau addressed the issue of Khalistan extremism and foreign interference, emphasizing the importance of safeguarding fundamental values while acknowledging the diversity within Canada.

Speaking on the matter, PM Trudeau stated, “Over the years, with PM Modi, we have had many conversations on both of these issues.” He highlighted Canada’s commitment to defending essential principles, including freedom of expression, freedom of conscience, and the freedom to engage in peaceful protest. These principles, he emphasized, hold immense importance for Canada.

PM Trudeau also underscored Canada’s dedication to preventing violence and combating hatred. In doing so, he highlighted the country’s commitment to maintaining peace and security while respecting democratic rights and freedoms.

Furthermore, he stressed the importance of recognizing the diversity within the Canadian community. He stated, “I think on the issue of the community, it is important to remember that the actions of the few do not represent the entire community or Canada.” This statement reflects the Canadian government’s stance on avoiding generalizations and stereotypes, reinforcing the idea that the actions of a small group should not be attributed to an entire community or nation.

PM Trudeau’s remarks underline the complexities of addressing extremism and foreign interference while upholding democratic values and respecting the diversity of communities within Canada. It reflects the government’s balanced approach to these critical issues.

Source: Statements by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, expressed his commitment to the development of the India-Middle East-Europe economic corridor. He outlined the broad scope of this ambitious project, emphasizing its potential to link regions and enhance economic connectivity.

In President Erdogan’s words, “Regarding the corridor, as far as our work regarding the corridor is concerned, first of all, the Gulf countries are included in it. Iraq is also part of it. And opening up a corridor through Turkey would mean the following: taking up the Gulf and opening it up all the way into Europe and tying it all the way into Europe.”

This statement reflects the comprehensive nature of the envisioned economic corridor, which aims to integrate the Gulf countries, including Iraq, and extend its reach into Europe. Such a corridor could serve as a vital trade route, fostering economic cooperation and connectivity across multiple regions.

President Erdogan’s commitment to implementing this project in the coming months underscores the significance of this initiative for enhancing trade and infrastructure linkages between India, the Middle East, and Europe. It also exemplifies the role of visionary leadership in promoting international cooperation and economic development.

As discussions progress, the realization of the India-Middle East-Europe economic corridor holds the promise of opening new opportunities and strengthening ties between nations in these regions.

Source: Statements by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan

In a significant diplomatic engagement on the sidelines of the G-20 Summit in Delhi, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan engaged in fruitful discussions. The leaders explored avenues to strengthen trade and infrastructure connections between India and Türkiye, underlining the commitment to enhancing bilateral cooperation.

Following their meeting, Prime Minister Modi shared his thoughts on this important interaction via a tweet, stating, “We talked about ways to further cement trade and infrastructure linkages between India and Türkiye.” This reaffirms the dedication of both nations to expanding economic and developmental partnerships for mutual benefit.

The talks between PM Modi and President Erdogan underscore the significance of fostering ties between India and Turkey, not only in the realm of commerce but also in building essential infrastructure. Such discussions on the global stage serve as a testament to the enduring bonds between nations and the shared commitment to progress and cooperation.

As the G-20 Summit continues, these bilateral talks exemplify the constructive role that diplomatic engagement plays in addressing complex global challenges and advancing collaborative efforts.

Stay tuned for more updates on the G-20 Summit and the outcomes of these important discussions.

On the sidelines of the G20 Summit, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had a productive meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. The discussions between the two leaders encompassed a wide spectrum of issues pertaining to the India-Canada relationship, spanning various sectors.

Prime Minister Modi shared his thoughts on this meeting via a tweet, saying, “Met Canadian PM Justin Trudeau on the sidelines of the G20 Summit. We discussed the full range of India-Canada ties across different sectors.”

This bilateral encounter at the G20 Summit highlights the commitment of both nations to strengthen and diversify their ties. Such interactions are instrumental in fostering cooperation and collaboration on key global challenges while reinforcing the enduring friendship between India and Canada.

As the G20 Summit continues, these discussions serve as a testament to the importance of diplomatic engagement on the global stage, with leaders from around the world coming together to address critical issues and explore opportunities for cooperation.

Stay tuned for more updates on the G20 Summit and the outcomes of these bilateral talks.

The G20 declaration, a pivotal document at the Group of 20 summit in New Delhi, garnered international attention for its nuanced stance on the Ukraine war. While it may not have explicitly condemned Russia’s actions, it elicited mixed reactions from global media outlets. Let’s delve into what prominent news sources had to say about this declaration.

The New York Times’ Perspective

The New York Times noted that the declaration, painstakingly negotiated on a Saturday evening, omitted any direct condemnation of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine or its conduct during the conflict. Instead, it lamented the suffering of the Ukrainian people. This year, expectations for the G20’s divided group to reach a consensus on Ukraine were low, according to NYT.

CNN’s Analysis

CNN commented that the eventual compromise statement was a significant achievement for the summit’s host, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. However, it also pointed out that the declaration still represented a milder stance compared to the individual positions taken by the United States and its Western allies.

Russia’s Tass News Agency’s Perspective

Russia’s Tass news agency reported that the G20 summit was one of the most complex in the forum’s almost 15-year history. It took nearly 20 days of preparation before the summit and five days of negotiations on-site to reach a consensus on the declaration.

BBC’s Evaluation

BBC observed that the Delhi declaration seemed designed to provide a platform for both the West and Russia to find common ground. However, it noted that the language used in the declaration was not as strong in its condemnation of Moscow as in the previous year’s statement in Bali. An important distinction was made in the choice of words, referring to “the war in Ukraine” rather than “the war against Ukraine.” This wording could have played a role in gaining Russia’s endorsement.

Insights from Sky News

Sky News highlighted Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s desire to showcase his ability to bridge global divides during the G20 summit in Delhi. It considered the fact that a consensus was reached on the first day as proof of Modi’s success. However, it also pointed out that the paragraph addressing the Ukraine war was a watered-down version of what was agreed upon in Bali the previous year.

The Sydney Morning Herald’s Take

The Sydney Morning Herald applauded the G20 summit for delivering what it described as the harshest international rebuke yet of Vladimir Putin’s war on Ukraine. Despite this, the declaration’s comments on the conflict were less forceful compared to last year’s statement in Bali. It omitted direct references to the “war against Ukraine” and the paragraph that strongly condemned the war in Ukraine.

In conclusion, the G20 declaration’s handling of the Ukraine issue was met with varied responses from the global media. While some viewed it as a diplomatic achievement, others perceived it as a compromise that did not match the strong stances of individual Western nations. The choice of words and the omission of certain phrases in the declaration played a significant role in shaping these differing perspectives.

As the G20 Summit gathers momentum, President Droupadi Murmu extends a warm and gracious welcome to the distinguished world leaders and foreign delegates who have graced the occasion. She emphasizes that India’s G20 Presidency theme, ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam – One Earth, One Family, One Future,’ signifies a global blueprint for fostering sustainable, inclusive, and human-centric development. President Murmu expresses her heartfelt wishes for the participants of the G20 Summit, hoping for their unwavering success in turning this vision into reality.

In her address, President Murmu acknowledges and warmly greets all the Heads of Delegations representing the G20 nations, Guest countries, and International Organizations who have converged on New Delhi for the 18th G20 Summit. This event serves as a significant platform for shaping the future of global cooperation in the pursuit of a better world, in alignment with India’s guiding theme.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has made his grand entrance at the Bharat Mandapam in New Delhi, marking the commencement of the highly anticipated G20 Summit. This global gathering is taking place against the backdrop of significant divisions within the group, prominently revolving around the Russia-Ukraine conflict and China’s assertive ambitions in the Indo-Pacific and South China Sea regions. The event has attracted a prestigious assembly of world leaders, with the likes of US President Joe Biden, UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, Australia’s Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, and UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres converging in the national capital on Friday, September 8.

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