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Joint India-France Statement Highlights Chandrayaan-3, Defence Industry Plans, and NSG Membership

Following the meeting between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Emmanuel Macron, India and France have issued a joint statement outlining their collaborative efforts and key areas of discussion. The statement underscores the comprehensive nature of their partnership and encompasses several significant topics, including Chandrayaan-3, the defense industrial roadmap, and India’s pursuit of membership in the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG).

Comprehensive Cooperation

In their joint statement, India and France acknowledged their wide-ranging cooperation, with both leaders engaging in discussions that encompassed an array of areas. Their dialogue covered Chandrayaan-3, a pivotal mission in India’s space exploration program, the development of a defense industrial roadmap, and India’s aspirations for NSG membership.

Bilateral Progress Assessment

The statement also highlighted that Prime Minister Modi and President Macron conducted a comprehensive assessment of the progress made in their bilateral relations since their previous meeting in July 2023, which took place in Paris. This evaluation serves as a testament to their commitment to furthering their strong and multifaceted relationship.

Discussion on Global Dynamics

The leaders engaged in a fruitful exchange of views on crucial international and regional developments. While the statement does not specify the topics discussed, it underscores the importance of their strategic partnership in addressing global challenges and navigating the dynamics of various regions.

In conclusion, the joint statement issued by India and France reflects their ongoing commitment to collaboration across a broad spectrum of areas. From space exploration to defense cooperation and international engagements, their partnership remains a cornerstone for addressing shared objectives and challenges on the global stage.

Source: Joint Statement by India and France Following the Modi-Macron Meeting

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