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Tracking Elusive Cheetahs: A Journey into the Wild

In the pursuit of monitoring elusive cheetahs, Kuno officials turn to time-tested traditional methods when a radio collar fails to provide data.

SourceThe post is based on the article “Radio collar goes silent, Kuno officials try old-school ways to track female cheetah”  published in Indian Express on 29th July 2023.


The quest to protect and conserve endangered species often involves overcoming challenges posed by their elusive nature. The scenario in Kuno Wildlife Sanctuary, India, is no different, where officials strive to track two cheetahs to ensure their safety and well-being. When modern technology falls short, resorting to traditional methods becomes a compelling solution.

The Kuno Wildlife Sanctuary: A Sanctuary for Cheetahs

Kuno Wildlife Sanctuary, located in Madhya Pradesh, India, has been meticulously prepared as a potential home for the reintroduction of cheetahs. These majestic felines, once native to India, disappeared from the country decades ago. Now, a concerted effort is underway to bring them back to their homeland.

Cheetahs are being brought back to enclosures for their collars to be removed. (Twitter/@KunoNationalPark)

Reintroduction of Cheetahs: A Conservation Milestone

  • Historical Context:
    • Cheetahs, known for their unmatched speed and grace, roamed the Indian subcontinent in the past.
    • However, they became extinct in India around the 1940s due to various factors, including habitat loss and hunting.
    • Bold Keywords: cheetahs, extinct, habitat loss, hunting.
  • Conservation Efforts:
    • In recent years, a significant conservation initiative seeks to reintroduce cheetahs to India.
    • Kuno Wildlife Sanctuary has been prepared as a safe haven for these cheetahs, aiming to restore the ecological balance.
    • Bold Keywords: conservation initiative, reintroduce cheetahs, Kuno Wildlife Sanctuary, ecological balance.
  • Challenges Faced:
    • The process of reintroduction comes with its share of challenges, particularly due to the elusive nature of cheetahs.
    • Monitoring and tracking these elusive creatures pose unique difficulties to wildlife officials.
    • Bold Keywords: reintroduction challenges, elusive nature, monitoring, tracking, wildlife officials.

Radio Collars: A Technological Aid

  • Role of Radio Collars:
    • Radio collars are commonly used to track and study wildlife, including elusive species like cheetahs.
    • These collars transmit signals, allowing researchers to monitor the animals’ movements and behaviors remotely.
    • Bold Keywords: radio collars, track wildlife, study behaviors, monitor movements.
  • The Silent Collar:
    • In the case of Kuno’s two cheetahs, one of the radio collars remained silent, failing to provide essential data.
    • This unexpected setback prompted officials to consider alternative methods for tracking the cheetahs.
    • Bold Keywords: silent collar, radio collar failure, alternative methods, tracking cheetahs.

Embracing Traditional Wisdom: A New Approach

  • Footprints and Signs:
    • When technology fails, the wisdom of local communities becomes invaluable.
    • Tracking cheetahs through their footprints, scat, and other signs left in the wilderness becomes a reliable method.
    • Bold Keywords: local wisdom, tracking through footprints, scat, signs in the wilderness.
  • Experienced Trackers:
    • Engaging with experienced trackers from nearby villages, who possess intimate knowledge of the land and its wildlife, proves beneficial.
    • These trackers bring generations of traditional wisdom passed down through their ancestors.
    • Bold Keywords: experienced trackers, traditional knowledge, intimate knowledge, ancestral wisdom.

The Value of Community Involvement

  • Community Conservation:
    • Involving local communities in conservation efforts fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility.
    • It encourages communities to protect wildlife and its habitats, ensuring long-term sustainability.
    • Bold Keywords: community involvement, sense of ownership, responsibility, protect wildlife, long-term sustainability.
  • Balancing Modernity and Tradition:
    • While modern technology aids conservation, respecting and integrating traditional methods enrich the conservation process.
    • Striking a balance between modernity and tradition is key to successful wildlife conservation.
    • Bold Keywords: balancing modernity, traditional methods, enrich conservation, successful wildlife conservation.


The reintroduction of cheetahs in Kuno Wildlife Sanctuary marks a significant milestone in Indian conservation efforts. As officials face the challenge of tracking elusive cheetahs, they demonstrate the adaptability and resilience of conservation practices. Embracing traditional wisdom and involving local communities alongside modern technology not only enhances tracking capabilities but also nurtures a harmonious coexistence between humans and wildlife. Through such collaborative efforts, the dream of witnessing cheetahs once again roaming the Indian wilderness draws closer to reality.


The Kuno Wildlife Sanctuary in India undertakes the ambitious task of reintroducing cheetahs to their native land. However, tracking these elusive creatures proves challenging when a radio collar fails. To overcome this setback, officials resort to traditional methods, utilizing local wisdom and experienced trackers. Involving local communities in conservation fosters a sense of responsibility and promotes harmonious coexistence between humans and wildlife. This holistic approach showcases the adaptability and resilience of conservation practices in the pursuit of bringing cheetahs back to India’s wilderness.

Source: Indian Express

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – Cheetah Reintroduction in Kuno Wildlife Sanctuary

1. What is the significance of cheetah reintroduction in Kuno Wildlife Sanctuary?

The reintroduction of cheetahs in Kuno Wildlife Sanctuary is a critical conservation effort aimed at restoring the ecological balance and bringing back an extinct species to its native land in India.

2. Why did cheetahs become extinct in India?

Cheetahs became extinct in India around the 1940s due to various factors, including habitat loss, hunting, and dwindling prey populations.

3. How does Kuno Wildlife Sanctuary prepare for cheetah reintroduction?

Kuno Wildlife Sanctuary is meticulously prepared to serve as a safe habitat for the reintroduction of cheetahs. The sanctuary undergoes ecological restoration and conservation initiatives to ensure a suitable environment for the cheetahs.

4. What are the challenges faced in tracking elusive cheetahs?

Tracking elusive cheetahs poses unique challenges due to their secretive behavior and vast territory. Modern technology, such as radio collars, may fail, necessitating alternative methods.

5. How do traditional methods help in tracking cheetahs?

Local wisdom and traditional tracking methods, like observing footprints, scat, and signs in the wilderness, become invaluable when modern technology, such as radio collars, falls short.

6. Why is community involvement essential in cheetah conservation?

Community involvement fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility for wildlife conservation. Local communities become valuable stakeholders, promoting long-term sustainability and harmonious coexistence with wildlife.

7. How do experienced trackers contribute to cheetah monitoring?

Experienced trackers from nearby villages possess intimate knowledge of the land and its wildlife. Their ancestral wisdom and tracking skills make them valuable assets in monitoring and protecting cheetahs.

8. What is the ecological importance of cheetah reintroduction?

Cheetah reintroduction helps restore the ecological balance in the region by regulating prey populations and influencing ecosystem dynamics.

9. How can visitors contribute to cheetah conservation efforts?

Visitors to Kuno Wildlife Sanctuary can contribute to cheetah conservation by following eco-friendly practices, respecting wildlife habitats, and supporting local community initiatives.

10. How does Kuno Wildlife Sanctuary benefit from cheetah reintroduction?

The reintroduction of cheetahs enhances the ecological diversity and tourism potential of Kuno Wildlife Sanctuary, attracting nature enthusiasts and fostering economic growth in the region.

Note: These FAQs provide information about the significance of cheetah reintroduction in Kuno Wildlife Sanctuary, tracking challenges, traditional methods, community involvement, and the ecological impact of this conservation effort. Actual FAQs may vary depending on specific interests and queries of stakeholders and visitors.

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