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For Prelims:

Government Institutions, Emerging Economies, Multilateral Cooperation, International Relations, NDB

For Mains:

Geopolitical Impact, Economic Advantages, Development Cooperation, Global Influence

Why in the News?

The BRICS alliance has captured global attention due to its decision to admit six new members, signifying a significant expansion of this influential group.


The BRICS alliance, comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, stands as a pivotal player in shaping global dynamics. This alliance unites emerging economies to foster cooperation, enhance economic growth, and address common challenges. Established in 2006, BRICS has evolved into a powerful platform that wields substantial influence on the international stage.

What is BRICS?

BRICS is an acronym denoting the five member countries: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. These nations share common attributes such as significant economic potential, diverse cultures, and influential geopolitical positions. BRICS collectively contributes to about 42% of the world’s population and nearly 25% of global GDP, underscoring its substantial impact.

Why BRICS Matters?

The BRICS alliance holds paramount importance due to various factors:

  • Geopolitical Impact: BRICS represents a counterbalance to Western dominance, providing a platform for member states to voice their perspectives on global affairs.
  • Economic Advantages: The economic potential of BRICS is immense. The alliance fosters trade, investment, and innovation, propelling the growth of member economies.
  • Development Cooperation: BRICS emphasizes development initiatives, offering member states opportunities to learn from each other’s successes and challenges.
  • Global Influence: The collective influence of BRICS extends beyond economic aspects, with member countries collaborating on issues like climate change, security, and peacekeeping.

BRICS in Action

BRICS pursues its objectives through various initiatives:

  • New Development Bank (NDB): Established in 2014, the NDB aims to fund infrastructure and sustainable development projects in BRICS and other emerging economies.
  • Cooperation in Space Exploration: BRICS countries collaborate on space research and satellite projects, showcasing their technological prowess.
  • Cultural Exchanges: Cultural events and exchanges promote mutual understanding among member nations, fostering people-to-people connections.

Why the Expansion?

The decision to admit six new members—Mexico, Indonesia, Turkey, Nigeria, Argentina, and Egypt—signals BRICS’ intent to broaden its impact and engage with more diverse economies.


BRICS stands as a testament to the potential of emerging economies to shape the global landscape. Through economic cooperation, geopolitical influence, and development initiatives, BRICS continues to pave the way for a multipolar world order.


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