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BRICS: A Platform for Global South

Prime Minister Modi’s Visit to Johannesburg for the 15th BRICS Summit


The 15th BRICS summit, taking place in Johannesburg, marks a significant moment in international diplomacy. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to South Africa for this summit underscores the importance of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) as a platform for the Global South. In this article, we delve into the key aspects of this event and its broader implications.

BRICS as a Catalyst for Global South

BRICS has evolved into more than just an acronym representing five nations. It has become a dynamic platform where leaders from diverse backgrounds come together to discuss and address the pressing challenges faced by the Global South. This collaborative approach emphasizes cooperation across various sectors.

The Prime Minister’s Agenda

Prime Minister Modi’s visit to Johannesburg encompasses a range of activities. He will participate in the BRICS-Africa Outreach and the BRICS Plus Dialogue, engaging in dialogues that go beyond the original BRICS members, reflecting the group’s expanding influence.

Strengthening Multilateral Systems

One of the primary goals of BRICS is to discuss and deliberate on issues of concern for the entire Global South. This includes addressing development imperatives and advocating for reform within the multilateral system. By doing so, BRICS nations aim to ensure that the voices of developing economies are heard and their interests protected on the world stage.

BRICS Business Forum Leaders’ Dialogue

During his visit, Prime Minister Modi will attend the BRICS Business Forum Leaders’ Dialogue. This platform facilitates discussions on economic cooperation, trade, and investment among BRICS nations. It serves as a critical avenue for fostering economic growth and stability in the member countries.

Expansion of BRICS

The 15th BRICS summit holds special significance as it explores the possibility of expanding the group. Countries like Iran and Bangladesh, among other developing economies, have been invited to participate. This expansion reflects the growing influence of BRICS and its relevance in shaping global politics and economics.

Beyond BRICS: India-Greece Relations

Following the BRICS summit, Prime Minister Modi is set to visit Greece. This visit is not just a diplomatic gesture; it signifies the enduring ties between India and Greece. These ties are rooted in shared values of democracy, rule of law, and pluralism. They span sectors like trade, investment, defense, and cultural exchanges.


In conclusion, the 15th BRICS summit in Johannesburg highlights the significance of BRICS as a platform for the Global South. Prime Minister Modi’s participation underscores India’s commitment to this forum, where issues of vital importance are discussed, and solutions are sought. Moreover, his visit to Greece signifies the enduring relationships that India is nurturing beyond the BRICS framework.

Read More: The Hindu

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