Prelims: Environment – Important global funds related to biodiversity, GBBF (Global Biodiversity Framework Fund), UNCBD, KMGBF(Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework).
Mains: General Studies 3 – Conservation, Environmental Pollution and Degradation, Environmental Impact Assessment.
Q : Explain the purpose of the Green Grid Initiative launched at World Leaders Summit of the COP26UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow in November,2021. When was this idea first floated inthe International Solar Alliance (ISA)?
Why in News
The first council meeting of the Global Biodiversity Framework Fund (GBFF) recently convened in Washington DC, which set out rules for implementation.
United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity: Conservation of Global Biological Diversity
- The Convention was Opened for signature at the Earth Summit in Rio De Janeiro in 1992. It comes under the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).
- Parties – 196 (includes India too )
- legally binding on its signatories.
Key Facts 🗝️
- Member Parties: 196. (Incl. INDIA)
- HQ: Montreal, Canada
- UN Member Countries Not a Party: USA, Vatican
- Ratified by: 186 countries
- Launched : 2023
- The Conference of Parties (COP) is the governing body of the convention. It consists of the governments that have ratified the treaty.
- HQ – Montreal, Canada.
- Only two member states of the United Nations are not Parties to the CBD, namely: the USA and the Vatican.
- In the 1992 Earth Summit, two landmark binding agreements were signed, one of them being the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity. The other one was the Convention on Climate Change.
Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KMGBF)
- It was adopted at COP15 in Montreal under the UN Convention on Biological Diversity and set 23 targets to be achieved by 2030.
- These targets include conserving 30% of land and sea, reducing invasive species by 50%, and raising at least $200 billion per year.
- GBFF aims to increase funding for the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KMGBF), ratified by 186 countries and launched in 2023 at the Seventh GEF Assembly in Vancouver, Canada.
- The GBFF Council decisions are to be made by consensus, and the World Bank has been invited to serve as the Trustee of GBFF.
Key decisions include:
- committed $1.1 billion for global initiatives on biodiversity, climate change, nature renewal, and pollution control.
- $203 million was approved for 21 climate change adaptation projects funded by the Least Developed Countries Fund and Special Climate Change Fund.
- Spain pledges 10 million euros to GBFF, joining contributions from Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Japan.
- Approved – GBFF Resource Allocation Policy
- Project Cycle Policy to guide fund allocation based on donor availability.
Source: DTE
Prelims: History (Temple styles, Various faith and proponents), BAPS
Mains: General Studies 1- Indian Culture – Salient aspects of Art Forms, Literature and Architecture from ancient to modern times.
Why in News
The Prime Minister is scheduled to inaugurate the BAPS Hindu Mandir in Abu Dhabi. The temple marks the first Hindu temple in Abu Dhabi.
Key Facts 🗝️
- BAPS stands for Bochasanwasi Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha ( a Vaishnav sect of Hinduism), a Hindu denomination within the Swaminarayan Sampradaya. The organization was founded in 1907 by Shastriji Maharaj.
- BAPS is a socio-spiritual Hindu faith with roots in the Vedas. Bhagwan Swaminarayan (1781-1830) revealed the faith in the late 18th century

- The temple is being built by the BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha on a 27-acre site in Abu Mureikhah, near Al Rahba off the Dubai-Abu Dhabi Sheikh Zayed Highway.
- The temple’s facade features exquisite marble carvings set by skilled artisans from Rajasthan and Gujarat.
- Architectural elements include two ghumats (domes), seven shikhars (spires) that symbolise the seven UAE’s seven emirates, 12 samrans (dome-like structures) and 402 pillars.
- Within each shikhar, intricate carvings depict stories from the Ramayana, Shiv Purana, Bhagavatam and Mahabharata, as well as narratives of Lord Jagannath, Lord Swaminarayan, Lord Venkateshwara and Lord Ayyappa.
- The ‘Dome of Harmony’ serves as a unique portrayal of harmony of the five natural elements- earth, water, fire, air and space.
- The camel – a symbol of persistence, commitment and endurance, has also been etched into the carvings while drawing inspiration from the landscape of the UAE.
📌A substantial number of pink sandstone were transported from Northern Rajasthan (Makrana) to Abu Dhabi for the temple.
Source: IE
- Prelims: Environment, Thanthai Periyar Sanctuary, Recognition of Forest Rights Act 2006 (FRA)
- Mains: General Studies-III- Conservation, Environmental Pollution and Degradation, Environmental Impact Assessment.
Why in News ?
The notification of the Thanthai Periyar Sanctuary in Erode district of Tamil Nadu triggered consternation among forest-dwellers around it. They expressed fear that this is a prelude to their rights under the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 (FRA) being denied.
Concept of Revenue Villages :
- In 1990, the Union Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) had ordered that all forest villages be converted to revenue villages.
- The FRA, also required all forest villages to be converted to revenue villages.
- During conversion, “the actual land use of the village in its entirety, including lands required for current or future community uses, like schools, health facilities and public spaces,” were to be recorded as part of the revenue village.
Forest Rights Act, 2006 and its Provisions :
- The Act recognizes and vests the forest rights and occupation in Forest land in Forest Dwelling Scheduled Tribes (FDST) and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (OTFD) who have been residing in such forests for generations.
- Forest rights can also be claimed by any member or community who has for at least three generations (75 years) prior to the 13th day of December, 2005 primarily resided in forest land for bona fide livelihood needs.
- It strengthens the conservation regime of the forests while ensuring livelihood and food security of the FDST and OTFD.
- The Gram Sabha is the authority to initiate the process for determining the nature and extent of Individual Forest Rights (IFR) or Community Forest Rights (CFR) or both that may be given to FDST and OTFD.
- Title rights: It gives FDST and OTFD the right to ownership to land farmed by tribals or forest dwellers subject to a maximum of 4 hectares. Ownership is only for land that is actually being cultivated by the concerned family and no new lands will be granted.
- Use rights: The rights of the dwellers extend to extracting Minor Forest Produce, grazing areas etc.
- Relief and development rights: To rehabilitate in case of illegal eviction or forced displacement and to basic amenities, subject to restrictions for forest protection.
- Forest management rights: It includes the right to protect, regenerate or conserve or manage any community forest resource which they have been traditionally protecting and conserving for sustainable use.
Supreme Court On Forest Dwellers:
Supreme Court in Godavarman versus Union of India stated that “the historical injustice done to the tribal forest dwellers through non-recognition of their traditional rights must be finally rectified”
Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972
The Wild Life (Protection) Act, of 1972 provides a legal framework for the protection of various species of wild animals and plants, management of their habitats, regulation, and control of trade in wild animals, plants, and products made from them
Schedule I:
- It covers endangered species that need rigorous protection.
- A person is liable to the harshest penalties for violation of the law under this Schedule.
- Species under this Schedule are prohibited to be hunted throughout India, except under threat to human life or in case of a disease that is beyond recovery.
- Some of the animals listed under Schedule I include the Black Buck, Snow Leopard, Himalayan Bear and Asiatic Cheetah.
Schedule II:
- Animals under this list are also accorded high protection with the prohibition on their trade.
- Some of the animals listed under Schedule II include Assamese Macaque, Himalayan Black Bear and Indian Cobra.
Schedule III & IV:
- Species that are not endangered are included under Schedule III and IV.
- This includes protected species with hunting prohibited but the penalty for any violation is less compared to the first two schedules.
- Animals protected under Schedule III include Chital (spotted deer), Bharal (blue sheep), Hyena, and Sambhar (deer).
- Animals protected under Schedule IV include Flamingo, Hares, Falcons, Kingfishers, Magpie, and Horseshoes Crabs.
Schedule V:
- This schedule contains animals that are considered as vermin (small wild animals that carry disease and destroy plants and food). These animals can be hunted.
- It includes only four species of wild animals: Common Crows, Fruit Bats, Rats, and Mice.
Schedule VI:
- It provides for regulation in the cultivation of a specified plant and restricts its possession, sale, and transportation.
- Both cultivation and trade of specified plants can only be carried out with the prior permission of the competent authority.
- Plants protected under Schedule VI include Beddomes’ cycad (Native to India), Blue Vanda (Blue Orchid), Red Vanda (Red Orchid), Kuth (Saussurea lappa), Slipper orchids (Paphiopedilum spp.) and Pitcher plant (Nepenthes khasiana).
Source: TH
PYQ/ FAQ related to Topic:
At the national level, which ministry is the nodal agency to ensure effective implementation of the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006?
(a) Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
(b) Ministry of Panchayati Raj
(c) Ministry of Rural Development
(d) Ministry of Tribal Affairs
Ans: d. Ministry of Tribal Affairs
Explaination :
- The Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006, also referred to as the Forest Rights Act (FRA), 2006, recognizes the rights of the forest-dwelling tribal communities and other traditional forest dwellers to forest resources.
- The Act encompasses Rights of self-cultivation and habitation which are usually regarded as individual rights; and community rights as grazing, fishing and access to Water bodies in forests, habitat rights for PVTGs, etc.
- In conjunction with the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Settlement Act, 2013, FRA protects the tribal population from eviction without rehabilitation and settlement.
- As per the provisions of the Act and the rules framed there under, various schemes and projects are implemented under the Ministry of Tribal Affairs.
- Prelims: Environment, Agroforestry
- Mains: General Studies-III, Conservation, Environmental Pollution and Degradation, Environmental Impact Assessment.
Why in News ?
Greening and Restoration of Wasteland with Agroforestry (GROW) report and portal was launched today by Prof Ramesh Chand, Member, NITI Aayog at NITI Aayog.
3 Main types of Agro-forestry Systems :
1. Agrisilvicultural systems : Crops and Trees
2. Silvopastoral systems : trees and animals
3. Agrosilvopastoral systems : Crops, Trees and animals
About GROW report:
Greening and Restoration of Wasteland with Agro-forestry (GROW) report and portal:
- Includes the launch of the “Greening and Restoration of Wasteland with Agro-forestry (GROW)-Suitability Mapping” portal on ‘Bhuvan’ ,ensuring universal access to state and district-level data.
- This portal is expected to significantly boost the promotion of agro-forestry initiatives by government bodies.
- The GROW initiative aligns with national commitments, aiming to restore 26 million hectares of degraded land by 2030 and create an additional carbon sink of 2.5 to 3 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent.
- Presently, agro-forestry covers 8.65% of India’s total geographical area, encompassing approximately 28.42 million hectares.
- Around 17% of India’s total geographical area is wasteland.- This initiative is Needed for the aim to restore 26 million hectares of degraded land by 2030 and create an additional carbon sink
- Agro-forestry integrates trees, crops, and livestock, addressing food, nutrition, energy, employment, and environmental challenges.
Nagar Van Yojana-
- The Nagar Van (Urban Forests) aims to develop 200 Urban Forests across the country in the next five years.
- The finances for the scheme will be paid for by the CAMPA (Compensatory Afforestation Fund (CAF) Act, 2016) funds.